The NJCU Center for the Arts and The English Department Student Events and Publications Committee
The Poetry of Memory: A Conversation with Maria Mazziotti Gillan
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 5:30-6:30 PM EST
Hosted by Edvige Giunta and Kailee Morel
Maria Mazziotti Gillan is winner of the 2014 George Garrett Award for Outstanding Community Service in Literature from AWP, the 2011 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award from Poets & Writers, and the 2008 American Book Award for her book, All That Lies Between Us. She is the Founder/Executive Director of the Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College, editor of the Paterson Literary Review, and Professor Emerita in creative writing at Binghamton University—SUNY. She has published 23 books, including her latest book, When the Stars Were Visible (Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2021). Visit her website at