IAWA Boston presents: Edvige Giunta and Kym Ragusa
IAWA Boston presents: Edvige Giunta and Kym Ragusa
Arrive at 5:45 PM to sign up for open mic!

“When You Call a Name": How We Remember the Triangle Fire
“When You Call a Name": How We Remember the Triangle Fire
Seton Hall University, Walsh Library, Beck Room A,B,C
6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Annual Italian Studies Scholarship Event with students and donors and a presentation by Prof. Edvige Giunta of NJ City University

Ninth Annual 100-Word Reading Marathon: All the Ways We Fall
The Ninth Annual 100-Word Reading Marathon: All the Ways We Fall
Co-sponsored by the NJCU Center for the Arts
Hosted by Edvige Giunta, Alyssa Bacay, and Khadija Diop
Bring three to six 100-word pieces to read! Share with fellow 100-worders!
Register for this free virtual event and use the Zoom link to join.
Meeting ID: 924 7222 5387
Password: 19971518
Edvige Giunta is Professor of English at NJCU. She is the author of Writing with an Accent and coeditor of several anthologies. Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, edited with Mary Anne Trasciatti, received the 2023 Susan Koppelman Award for the Best Anthology in Feminist Studies in American and Popular Culture.
Alyssa Lian Bacay studies Computer Science and Creative Writing at New Jersey City University, where she serves as the vice-president of The DRAFT, the on-campus creative writing club, and tutor for The Hub.
Khadija Diop is a Biology and English Creative Writing major at NJCU. She is active on campus, as president of the DRAFT, the Biological Honor Society, and as a tutor for the Hub, among other roles.

A Memoir Workshop for Triangle Fire Families and Activists
History is always and inescapably with and within us. When trauma has been experienced by our ancestors, we may carry it in preverbal and often insidious ways. It lives in the cracks of our memory; it knocks, sometimes lightly, sometimes loudly, on the doors of our consciousness. It can leave us speechless for generations.
To mark the inauguration of the Triangle Fire Memorial in the fall of 2023, this generative memoir workshop has been specifically designed for family members and people closely related to the workers of the Triangle Waist Company as well as activists who have dedicated themselves to the legacy of the fire.
Through simple and focused step-by-step writing prompts, participants will begin to tell personal stories that relate to and evoke the historical traces of the Triangle fire. The connections with the fire may not be obvious at first. As it often happens with memoir, connections, stories, and powerful emotions will emerge through the writing experience.
The workshop will bring participants together as a community to continue the necessary work of healing.
No previous writing experience required or necessary.
This free workshop will take place on Zoom. A link will be sent to registered participants close to the date.
Participants should register by clicking the button above or at www.edvigegiunta.com. Registration is free.
Participants are strongly encouraged to donate to the Triangle Fire Memorial https://trianglememorial.org/donate/
Photo by Uri Wegman and Richard Joon Yoo

Tina: Mafia Soldier: A conversation with author Maria Rosa Cutrufelli and translator Robin Pickering-Iazzi, hosted by Edvige Giunta and Khadija Diopp
Tina: Mafia Soldier: A conversation with author Maria Rosa Cutrufelli and translator Robin Pickering-Iazzi
Hosted by Edvige Giunta and Khadija Diopp
NJCU Center for the Arts
Wednesday April 19, 2 pm ET

Presentation of Caterina Romeo’s Interrupted Narratives and Intersectional Representations in Italian Postcolonial Literature
Book Presentation
Interrupted Narratives and Intersectional Representations in Italian Postcolonial Literature (2023, Palgrave Macmillan)
by Caterina Romeo, Università La Sapienza di Roma
The author in conversation with Edvige Giunta

“The Two Roses: Rose Schneiderman and the Triangle Fire” A Reading by and Conversation with Annie Valliere Schneiderman hosted by Edvige Giunta and Jennifer Marchan
“The Two Roses: Rose Schneiderman and the Triangle Fire” A Reading by and Conversation with Annie Valliere Schneiderman hosted by Edvige Giunta and Jennifer Marchan
Hosted by the NJCU Center for the Arts
Thursday March 16, 2023, 11:30 am ET

The Enduring Mother Hunger: An Anniversary Conversation about The Milk of Almonds, Hosted by Pummarole Magazine
The Enduring Mother Hunger: An Anniversary Conversation about The Milk of Almonds
Hosted by Pummarole Magazine
December 4, 2022 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
In 2002 The Feminist Press published The Milk of Almonds: Italian American Women Writers on Food and Culture, an anthology of memoir, fiction, and poetry by fifty-four writers. Editors Louise DeSalvo and Edvige Giunta aimed at subverting conventional narrative of food, gender, and ethnicity. The anthology included established and emerging authors, including many authors who had not yet published a book. Twenty years later, one of the editors and several of the contributors come together to reflect on the cultural significance of this groundbreaking anthology and the community it helped to forge.
Event hosted by Gabriel Piemonte, editor of Pummarole Magazine https://pummarol.com/
Readings and conversation with coeditor Edvige Giunta and contributors Phyllis Capello, Nancy Caronia, Annie Lanzillotto, Maria Laurino, Kym Ragusa, and Nancy Savoca
Moderated by Marci Merola

The Milk of Almonds Twenty Years Later
The Milk of Almonds: Italian American Women Writers on Food and Culture
Edited by Louise DeSalvo and Edvige Giunta Twenty Years Later
Readings and conversation with The Milk of Almonds coeditor Edvige Giunta and contributors Phyllis Capello, Nancy Caronia, Joanna Clapps Herman, Maria Laurino, Nancy Savoca, and others
Hosted by the NJCU Center for the Arts

The Triangle Fire: Memory, History, Activisms
Plenary Address, Conference of the Italian American Studies Association, Pittsburgh, PA
October 28, 2023 at 11 AM

The Living and the Dead: A Memoir Workshop at the Heinz History Center
Learn how to develop your memoir writing craft with Edvige Giunta, a seasoned narrative memoir writer and professor.
Memoirs hold the key to time travel. A letter, a dish, an item of furniture, a door, a street, a face, a gesture, a smell, a sound, a touch—anything conjured through memory can become a passport for traveling into the past, for crossing the divide between the living and the dead. In immigrant memory, whether one is a recent immigrant or the descendant of immigrants, these crossings are part of an invaluable project of recovery, reclamation, rewriting, and understanding.
Through prompts that cross temporal borders and break geographical and identity boundaries, this generative workshop will lead participants to lands where the unexpected and the forgotten appear on the page, where we speak to ghosts and, listening intently, become their scribes.
This memoir workshop is offered in conjunction with the Italian American Studies Association and the University of Pittsburgh.
Note Bene: Speaker is remote, audience is in-person. Workshop attendees will get to explore collections from the Heinz History Center’s archive, including letters, photographs, immigration documents, and newspapers.
Tickets to the workshop are $15 for adults and $10 for members. If you plan to attend both Italian American workshops – “Mining the Diaspora” and “The Living and the Dead” – on Oct. 27, the cost is $25 for adults and $20 for members for both programs. After registering for one workshop, non-members will receive a discount code to use for a reduced price when registering for the second workshop.
Please register in advance online at the Heinz History Center
The workshop will be held in the Heinz History Center’s Detre Library & Archives on the museum’s sixth floor, 1212 Smallman Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
For more information, please contact Melissa E. Marinaro at memarinaro@heinzhistorycenter.org or 412-454-6426.

Talking to the Girls at The Labor Museum
Talking to the Girls at the Labor Museum
Part of the Museum's Annual Humanities Festival Week Program
Saturday, October 15, 2022, 2 pm
Link TBA

October 3, 2022, 4 pm EST

“Every Memoirist is a Ghost Writer”: A Celebration of Louise DeSalvo, hosted by strade dorate
Every Memoirsit is a Ghost Writer: A Celebration of Louise DeSalvo, Hosted by Strade Dorate
Readings and conversation with Caterina Romeo, Ernest DeSalvo, Jason DeSalvo, Daniela Spampinato, Kym Ragusa, Jan Heller Leavy, and Peter Covino.
Hosted by Valentina Di Cesare, Edvige Giunta, Michela Valmori
September 28 at 1pm (EST) (7 pm CST)

Talking to the Girls at I Am Books Bookstore
Friday, September 23, 2022
7:00pm EST
Talking to the Girls at I AM Books Bookstore, Boston

Talking to the Girls at Write America: A Reading for Our Country
Monday, September 19, 2022, 7:00 pm EDT
Write America: A Reading for Our Country
View this episode of Write America: A Reading for Our Country

Talking to the Girls at Museo italo americano, San Francisco
Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Museo italo americano San Francisco

The Story in History: Teaching the Triangle Fire
The Story in History: Teaching the Triangle Fire
The College of New Jersey
Zoom Meeting ID: 270 198 4612
Zoom Passcode: 19273240

Talking to the Girls at New Jersey City University Center for the Arts, NJCU
Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 11:30 am EST
New Jersey City University Center for the Arts, NJCU

Talking to the Girls at the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles
Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 1:00 pm PST (4:00 pm EST)
Italian American Museum of Los Angeles

Talking to the Girls At “Tell Me a Story” with Annie Lanzillotto, City Lore
Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
At Tell Me a Story with Annie Lanzillotto, City Lore
Saturday March 26, 2022 at 2 pm EST
Talking to the Girls at Casa Internazionale delle Donne
Friday, March 25, 2022 at 18:00 orario italiano (12:00 pm EST)
Casa Internazionale delle Donne e Centro Documentazione Internazionale Alma Sabatini, Rome, Italy

Talking to the Girls at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò
Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Wednesday March 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm EST
Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò, New York University

Talking to the Girls at the kheel center, Cornell University
Monday, March 21, 2022 at 4:30 pm EST
Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Cornell University
Read an article about this event

Scrivere il Memoir con Edvige Giunta (gratuito) - Workshop in italiano presentato da Strade dorate – Osservatorio di Letteratura e Cultura Italoamericana
Questo seminario offre un'ora intensa di scrittura e riflessioni sul memoir, un genere letterario imparentato con l’autobiografia, il romanzo, la poesia, il saggio, il monologo drammatico ma comunque in possesso di una identità tutta sua, che dagli anni Novanta domina la scena letteraria statunitense. Attraverso una serie di esercizi di scrittura i partecipanti scriveranno frammenti narrativi che potranno poi sviluppare come micro-memoir o narrazioni più ampie.

Still, There is Love: Eighth Annual 100-Word Reading Marathon
The NJCU Center for the Arts and The English Department Student Events and Publications Committee
STILL, THERE IS LOVE: Eighth Annual 100-Word Reading Marathon
Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 7-9 PM EST
Hosted by Edvige Giunta, Peggy Jackson, and Kailee Morel
Join the eighth annual 100-word reading marathon and the third to be held virtually. Share your words about love, in all its forms and manifestations, at a gathering that fosters connection and solidarity among different writers, communities, cities, and countries. Bring 100-word pieces you have written about love--intimate, visceral, honest. Everyone will share three pieces during the first round. Subsequent 100-word pieces can be shared after all writers have shared their first pieces. Multi-lingual work is welcomed and encouraged!

The Poetry of Memory: A Conversation with Maria Mazziotti Gillan
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 5:30-6:30 PM EST