The Assay Interview Project: Edvige Giunta
The City and the Writer: In Gela, Sicily with Edvige Giunta
“La mia strana Gela vista dal New Jersey
Write America with Edvige Giunta and Richard Rabinowitz
Immigration: a voyage that never ends
L’italiano e il siciliano sono i fiumi sotterranei che alimentano il mio inglese
Edvige Giunta, scrittrice e critica letteraria
Telling Her Story in Italian American
Embroidered Stories Book Presentation
Memorializing the Triangle Factory Fire
Meatballs and Spaghetti Artist Podcast
Sono nata in Sicilia, a Gela…
Triangle Fire Comes Full Circle for Edvige Giunta
The Italian Radio Hour with Viviana Altieri
It Begins with a Name: Learning to Remember the Triangle Fire